Paperdi obtains SA8000 Certification

Following the audit conducted by DNV, Paperdi has obtained the certification of compliance with the Social Accountability 8000 international standard.

Paperdi has obtained the SA8000 international Certificate thanks to a path undertaken some time ago and aimed at improving the aspects of company management relating to the corporate social responsibility and their monitoring, with particular reference to the conditions of workers who operate in the company context, as well as those who work for the main operators in the supply chain.

The Social Accountability 8000 standard, with which Paperdi was found compliant following the verification audit conducted by DNV, is more than a simple set of guidelines and procedures. It represents a worldview that prioritizes human rights, social justice and the responsible supply chain management.    
Focused on working conditions, the SA8000 standard is internationally recognized and responds to the needs of organizations that can distinguish themselves for their commitment to sustainable development and in particular for social issues.

Obtaining the certification means taking on a moral commitment to guarantee the well-being of all those involved in Paperdi and its commercial relations and we are certain that this path will lead to a progressive improvement in widespread work well-being.


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