Paperdi is an industrial company born from the entrepreneurial idea of the current director Vincenzo Di Leva.

It has been operating since 1989 in the tissue sector of the paper sector, producing disposable items for hygienic and food use at the Caserta plant.

In 2017 the Company took over the Pietramelara paper mill, inactive since 2013, and after an intense and ambitious restoration and modernization work of the structure and plants, it started its operation in January 2018 for the production of paper in reels that manages to partially satisfy the needs of the San Nicola paper industry.

Since its origins, the company, supported by partnership agreements with its suppliers, has favored the use of selected raw materials without ever compromising the quality level and efficiency of the use functions for which the products are intended.


Paperdi has thus succeeded in establishing itself within the tissue sector as one of the most dynamic, flexible and competitive companies in the country, becoming one of the leading companies in Italy for market share in the production of tissue paper articles for professional use

The research and experience gained over the years allow us to have a wide range of products, from industrial rolls to towels, sheets, toilet paper and much more both in pure cellulose and in recycled paper, constantly aiming to satisfy every need.

Asciugamani intercalati a V in pura cellulosa Paperdì


Carta asciugamani intercalata compatta




Carta asciugamani piegata compatta Paperdi



We produce tissue paper items, pursuing a development model capable of reconciling business growth with customer
satisfaction, creating economic value and protecting and safeguarding the environment.
Our mission has always been to offer the right paper for every use.

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